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الموضوع: اعـــــــــرف البرج المناســـــب للزواج

  1. #1
    نام مظلوم همس الغروب is on a distinguished road الصورة الرمزية همس الغروب
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    الفيحاء الحبيبة

    افتراضي اعـــــــــرف البرج المناســـــب للزواج

    بســـــمه تعالى


    برج الزواج هو الحمل.
    يغرم الميزان بالثور والحوت يغرم به.
    يميل الى الدلو والجوزاء.
    هو افضل صديق للاسد والقوس افضل صديق له.
    ينجذب الى السرطان والعقرب ولا يتفق معهما طويلا.
    لا يتفق مع العذراء والجدي.
    علاقة الميزان بالميزان ممتازة.


    برج الزواج هو الثور.
    يغرم العقرب بالجوزاء والحمل يغرم به.
    يميل الى السرطان والحوت.
    هو افضل صديق للجدي والعذراء افضل صديق له.
    ينجذب الى القوس والاسد لوقت محدد .
    لا يتفق مع الميزان والدلو.
    علاقة العقرب بالعقرب وطيدة.


    برج الزواج هو الجوزاء.
    يغرم القوس بالسرطان والثور يغرم به.
    يميل الى الاسد والحمل.
    هو افضل صديق للدلو والميزان افضل صديق له.
    ينجذب الى العذراء والجدي لكن الطريق قصيرة.
    لا يتفق مع الجوت والعقرب.
    علاقة القوس بالقوس مسلية.


    برج الزواج هو السرطان.
    يغرم الجدي بالاسد والجوزاء يغرم به.
    يميل الى العذراء والثور.
    هو افضل صديق للحوت والعقرب افضل صديق له.
    ينجذب الى الميزان والدلو ولا يدوم الامر طويلا.
    لا يتفق مع القوس والحمل.
    علاقة الجدي بالجدي... جدية


    برج الزواج هو الاسد.
    يغرم الدلو بالعذراء والسرطان يغرم به.
    يميل الى الميزان والجوزاء.
    هو افضل صديق للقوس والحمل افضل صديق له.
    ينجذب وقتيا الى الحوت والعقرب.
    لا يتفق مع الثور والجدي.
    علاقة الدلو بالدلو عقلانية.


    برج الزواج هو العذراء.
    يغرم الحوت بالميزان والاسد يغرم به.
    يميل الى السرطان والعقرب.
    هو افضل صديق للجدي والثور افضل صديق له.
    ينجذب الى القوس والحمل دون الوصول الى اتفاق.
    لا يتفق مع الجوزاء والدلو.
    علاقة الحوت بالحوت دافئة.


    برج الزواج هو الميزان.
    يغرم الحمل بالعقرب والعذراء يغرم به.
    يميل الحمل الى الاسد والقوس.
    هو افضل صديق للجوزاء والدلو افضل صديق له.
    ينجذب الحمل الى الثور والجدي لكنه لا يتفق معهما.
    لا يتفق مع الحوت والسرطان.
    علاقة الحمل بالحمل ضاجة


    برج الزواج هو العقرب.
    يغرم الثور بالقوس والميزان يغرم به.
    يميل الى العذراء والجدي.
    هو افضل صديق للسرطان والحوت افضل صديق له.
    ينجذب وقتيا الى الجوزاء والدلو.
    لا يتفق مع الاسد والحمل.
    علاقة الثور بالثور حميمة.


    برج الزواج هو القوس.
    يغرم الجوزاء بالجدي والعقرب يغرم به.
    يميل الى السرطان.
    هو افضل صديق للحمل والاسد افضل صديق له.
    ينجذب الى الحوت والسرطان لفترة قصيرة.
    لا يتفق مع العذراء والثور.
    علاقة الجوزاء بالجوزاء غير مستقرة.


    برج الزواج هو الجدي.
    يغرم السرطان بالدلو والقوس يغرم به.
    يميل الى العقرب والحوت.
    هو افضل صديق للثور والعذراء افضل صديق له.
    ينجذب الى الاسد والحمل مرحليا.
    لا يتفق مع الجوزاء والميزان.
    علاقة السرطان بالسرطان هادئة.


    برج الزواج هو الدلو.
    يغرم الاسد بالحوت والجدي يغرم به.
    يميل الى الحمل والقوس.
    هو افضل صديق للميزان والجوزاء افضل صديق له.
    ينجذب مرحليا الى العذراء والثور.
    لا يتفق مع السرطان والعقرب.
    علاقة الاسد بالاسد عاصفة.


    برج الزواج هو الحوت.
    يغرم العذراء بالحمل والدلو يغرم به.
    يميل الى الثور والجدي.
    هو افضل صديق للعقرب والسرطان افضل صديق له.
    قد ينجذب الى الجوزاء والميزان لكن الاتفاق معدوم.
    لا يتفق مع الاسد والقوس.
    علاقة العذراء بالعذراء متوترة

  2. #2
    فراتي ذهبي samoona is on a distinguished road الصورة الرمزية samoona
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2009
    ضواحي القدس

    افتراضي رد: اعـــــــــرف البرج المناســـــب للزواج

    thanx al lot it is toooooooooooooooooooo beautiful

  3. #3
    الوردة صمت الغروب is on a distinguished road الصورة الرمزية صمت الغروب
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2009

    افتراضي رد: اعـــــــــرف البرج المناســـــب للزواج

    بارك الله فيكم

  4. #4
    qeen ام فيصل is on a distinguished road الصورة الرمزية ام فيصل
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jul 2008

    افتراضي رد: اعـــــــــرف البرج المناســـــب للزواج

    مشكورة عزيزتي بسمة
    معلومات حلوة
    تحياتي لك

  5. #5
    فراتي ذهبي samoona is on a distinguished road الصورة الرمزية samoona
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Jan 2009
    ضواحي القدس

    افتراضي رد: اعـــــــــرف البرج المناســـــب للزواج

    عن جد كتير حلوووووووووووووووووو
    وفيه شي من الواقع

  6. #6
    نام مظلوم همس الغروب is on a distinguished road الصورة الرمزية همس الغروب
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Mar 2008
    الفيحاء الحبيبة

    افتراضي رد: اعـــــــــرف البرج المناســـــب للزواج

    مشكورين على المرور

    منورين يا حلوين

  7. #7
    مطرود nopq411 is on a distinguished road
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Feb 2009

    افتراضي the development of nike series

    Start before 1957 - 1961In 1957, Bowerman and Knight recognized University in Oregon. After graduation, Knight continued to pursue MBA degree from Stanford University, and Steve Ballmer will continue to do in the university track and field coaches and design of sports shoes.Five years later, Knight from a survey report concludes that Japan's low-cost, high-tech sports shoes will be the end of the German sports shoe in the United States dominate the world situation. After graduation, Knight went to Japan and where Tiger sports shoes manufacturer. Him to introduce their own manufacturers from "Blue Ribbon Sports company," he let Tiger manufacturers trust the United States have a tremendous market opportunity.nike max shox are very popular now,I love nike shoes.Blue Ribbon / Tiger cooperation 1960 - 1971The first batch of Tiger Products in 1962, arrived in the United States. Knight and Bowerman 500 U.S. dollars per person to set up investment company Blue Ribbon Sports in the United States Deputy Tiger sports shoes.1968, by Steve Ballmer have been restructured to become Tiger Cortez shoes sport shoes the best-selling products, while Knight was in development for the company to lay the financial foundation. At that time, because of the credit policy constraints, and the Knight would be a Japanese company Nissho Iwai in 1971 signed an import contract, Blue Ribbon Sports company began to have their own sports shoes production lines, which also marks the relations of cooperation and Tiger end. Six years, the company's assets increased to 1.96 from the 8000 U.S. millions of dollars, employees are also from 0 to a 45 person development, and the first Blue Ribbon company's retail stores also opened Santa Monica, California.From the Blue Ribbon companies to Nike, Inc. 1972 - 1980Blue Ribbon companies and the formal end of Tiger's and cooperative relations and to formally set up a young new company, named for Nike - the Greek goddess of victory.Knight and his wife personally published a Nike T-shirt and Eugene 72 Olympic field distribution, but to see people are: "Who are Nike?"In 1973, Knight streamline the entire product production and marketing process, allowing retailers to order in advance. "Futures" was to become the industry standard. By 1979, Nike occupied 50% of the running market. By 1980, that has 2700 employees, the company became a listed company.Nike's development 1980 - 1991In the first few years, Nike has become a leader in the sports industry. Nike International, Inc. in more than 40 countries to develop his career. By 1984, the company's assets doubled to reach 919.8 million.With the number of employees and sales of the development of shoes, Nike in 1985, experienced the first of reduced revenue, the following year, the situation has improved, the third year, the situation more worse.In 1988, Nike has found that dealers were unable to retailers to provide timely and quality services. Nike Employment interior was a sales representative in order to strengthen the expertise of product publicity. And, more importantly, Nike re-establish the hegemony of the technical - Nike Air technology.This decade, Nike has reached two billion dollars of assets.Our own world - so far in 1992In 1991, Nike has become the world's only an asset more than three billion dollars in sports and fitness company.Five years later, his assets is increased to 6.5 billion U.S. dollars - including Nike apparel industry and the acquisition of the world's largest manufacturer of hockey equipment - Canstar Sports Goods Co., Ltd..In 1997, Nike Asian assets from 96 financial year rose to 300 million U.S. dollars 800 million. Two important customer service center in Seoul, Korea and Japan opened in Tokyo. China has become an important market. Nike Park to continue to expand the scale of the world, planned to reach 7100 rooms, can accommodate 16,000 employees. Nike analysts predict will reach the assets and more than nine billion U.S. dollars. These achievements have come from: to help athletes improve their performance.What is created nikeSeries one introduction: Professional Air Cushion (NIKE AIR)A NASA Engineer - Frank Rudy has an idea: use in sports shoes air to reduce vibration at the time of exercise. 1977 to him several companies have proposed the idea, but all were rejected - apart from Nike. Nike, Inc. and was developed with Rudy became the first air-cushion. nike max shox are in hotdemand.If you are a person who always want to pursue,then nike max shox are your best choice.Exercise, the body kept enormous gravity. Foot landed, but also have a considerable impact. The greater impact on the human body is, feet landing after the upload from the ground to the recoil. Therefore, the shock absorber function is to determine the vital importance of good shoes and one of the factors.Nike air-cushion professional (NIKE AIR) the use of polyurethane materials make airbags, airbag filled a special, high-pressure gas NIKE macromolecules. When the air cushion to external shocks, it will promptly provide a buffer effect and to bring the foot to the ground can be soft, but it will be promptly returned to their original shape. Nike air-cushion than any in at the end of the traditional lighter more durable materials.Nike air-cushion allows you to exercise longer, feel more comfortable, and reduce the chance of injury.Q: Why did not Nike professional air leak?Answer: Nike professional NIKE air injection are high-pressure gas molecules, gas molecules than the balloon itself, the gap, and therefore will never leak.AIR MAXIn 1994, the creation of a multi-range, multi-pressure air cushion. Feet at any time by how powerful the impact, both feet will be the focus fell on low-voltage air-cushion (5psi) parts, and when the stability of the strongest legs required, the focus will fall on the high-pressure air (25psi ) positions. In the different nature of exercise, Air Max be able to provide the most impact protection.Low-pressure air to provide cushioning protection, high pressure will provide stability.ZOOM AIRSpeed-type players for the development of air-cushioned Zoom Air cushioning. The technology is to allow large volume changes for the cushioning of cushioning, and its result is to allow more feet into the ground paste to enhance stability. Smooth shape of the nike max shox to alleviate the weight of its performance are explosive.Scouring, light, fast, Zoom Air to provide outstanding cushioning the effect of stability.Series Introduction bis: patent fabric (F.I.T.)Nike FIT - Functional, Innovative, Technology, on behalf of features, innovation, science and technology.*** Year, Nike introduced a new system of four fabrics to help athletes and hot, cold, wind, storm and fight against sweating. Today, these fabrics (Dri-FIT, Therma-FIT, Clima-FIT, Storm-FIT) and other clothing combines innovative technologies: high-tech materials, sewing precision, fine science of construction, unexpected details.Dri FITDri FIT fabric patent Express perspiration. Specifically for the sport to maintain comfort and design. Unique Dri FIT microfiber can siphon water from the role of nationality, be sent to the clothes along the fiber surface of the rapid evaporation. 90% because of the competitive brands are the use of chemical treatment methods, in a long time after use by washing easily invalidated. In contrast, nike Dri FIT Biochemical Technology more demonstrated its superior results. Dri FIT can wear close to skin surface, with the best sense of perspiration function and comfort. Whether to engage in any sport, nike Dri FIT lining costumes are the best materials.Uses:1, can be made of mesh cloth, knitting cloth, double-knitted fabric, embossing fabrics, cotton fabrics, etc.2, mainly for running, soccer, tennis, basketball, golf, skiing, baseball and training clothesTherma FITTherma FIT thermal fabric of the patent. Because of its unique ultra-fine fiber technology, and lighter than other bristles fabric, thinner, but more warm. Therma FIT has a light but warm character, the most suitable high-energy activities. Therma FIT inside again with Dri FIT, will be the best combination to keep out the cold perspiration.Uses:Most suitable for running, skiing, skating, mountain climbing and various training activitiesClima FITClima FIT patented waterproof cloth. Are a variety of sportswear materials, breathable, closely woven microfiber will not make water to enter, but allow sweat evaporation redundant physical body, both inside and outside to provide protection. Designed specifically for athletes, lightweight, waterproof and highly breathable.Uses:Suitable for running, training and golf sportStorm FITPatent Storm FIT fabric water resistance. Are both waterproof and breathability of the material has a layer of waterproof membrane attached to the close weave of ultra-fine fiber layer can be anti-rain, hail and snow, and in the high-energy activities from sweat. Wearing inside nike Therma FIT, can be isolated from the cold; Wearing nike Dri FIT, perspiration can play the best features.Uses:Most suitable for skiing, snow hiking, sailing, hiking, running and training activitiesnike why so expensiveSports experts think:Good pair of sports shoes can help you run faster. U.S. footwear industry has made the following conclusions: a high-quality materials and good quality shoes, can long maintain its shape, when people dressed in even more feet, and will give you the best performance. At the same time, the report shows that a pair of good shoes, the general value of 65-90 dollars. Lower than the price of shoes, may be less or more with low-grade material by the system. Mike. Jordan would never agree to this. He always wore the most expensive sports shoes, standing in the basketball court. And Jordan shoes are always in the market within less than a week, immediately dump the sale of one space. There is no doubt that Jordan shoes are the young breed of love.

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