برنامج Bluetooth Radar برنامج لنقل الملفات من الكمبيوتر الى الجوال بالبلوتوث برنامج نقل ملفات عن طريق البلوتوث الجديد حيث يقوم Bluetooth Radar بنقل الملفات من جهاز الكمبيوتر الى الموبايل او الجوال بالبلوتوث Bluetooth بكل سهولة وسرعة.
The Bluetooth Radar software was developed to be a WPF 4.0 application built in Visual Studio 2010 (RTM). In the past couple of years Bluetooth become an important protocol for computers and mobile devices, many times I find my self need to transfer an Image or Song to my device and What is the Best way for that? ..:: Bluetooth ::..
You may plug a cable between your device and computer but why to bother when you can use Bluetooth to transfer those items between you computer and mobile device much more faster and easier.
This tool will allow you to transfer files more easily between your laptop and a mobile device that has Bluetooth or other laptop.