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الموضوع: حديث بين ألعقل والمعدة

  1. #1
    عضو مشارك bint-altai is on a distinguished road
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Oct 2010

    افتراضي حديث بين ألعقل والمعدة

    I´v written a little story of my imagination when I was at school and was so hungry . I showed it to my teacher and she
    liked it , so I hope you like it too

    A beautiful conversation between
    the brain and the stomach

    When evening came and dinner time started and while the brain was thinking about somthing important he received a signal from the stomach. The stomach : hi you !! I´m very hungry and as usualyou don´t care about me !
    Are you never hungry ??
    The brain said : hi dear ! I´m veyr soory that I didn´t notice but you know that I´m not hungry for food I´m just thirsty of knowledge.
    Anyway what should you eat today ?
    The stomach said : oh dear I want to eat
    fatty food today ...yummy , yummy
    the brain said : what is wrong with you stomach ?
    You are always hungry and you just think about fatty food !!
    the stomach : please brain ! don´t be angry and don´t tell
    the bowels that I´m just hungry !!
    the brain laughed and said : I don´t tell anyone because you are
    the main part in the body .
    But from this moment I want to teach you which food you should
    get and never ask me about fatty food again because it could be
    dangerous for the body !!
    the brain continued and the stomach listened too .
    Do you know stomach fat could also be a damage to me and
    maybe I become sick and don´t think anymore.
    You can imagine what a world without brains would look like.
    That´s why I was thinking of making a plan for good food with
    a little fat and much vegetables .
    Moreover that , you should be aware of the fact that more advantages
    in vegetables and ofcourse fruit than fat.
    And don´t forget that we eat to live and not live to eat .
    When the stomach heard that she regretted that
    and said : Do you know brain that you are the main part of the body
    which thinks more than us .
    And you are always the brain which leads us and gives us an order
    and advice and we just take it .
    You are the leader said the stomach and laughed .
    The brain laughed too and felt happy because he could
    convince the stomach .

    greetings .... bint-altai

  2. #2
    مشرف عام ومشرف رقابة ومشرف عام على المواضيع والمشاركات ومشرف المنتديات الادبية الكناري يونس الجبوري is on a distinguished road الصورة الرمزية الكناري يونس الجبوري
    تاريخ التسجيل
    May 2008

    افتراضي رد: حديث بين ألعقل والمعدة

    Thank you for your outstanding effort
    Please accept the traffic
    Greet you

  3. #3
    عاشق الريف عادل المنصوري is on a distinguished road الصورة الرمزية عادل المنصوري
    تاريخ التسجيل
    Nov 2010
    البصرة -5 ميل

    افتراضي رد: حديث بين ألعقل والمعدة

    nice short story my sister
    and there are nice signals within but, who can do them ? thank you very much

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