السلام عليكم ورحمة الله

اشلونكم اخباركم ؟؟؟

شوفو فن الرسم على الشاحنات في المانيا

The first one is of canvas tote bag
منتديات الفرات

The second one is of Pepsi cases and they are all stacked on the ceiling, and the bottom of the trailer is empty.
منتديات الفرات

The third one is of another truck with the windshield facing the back and there has been a driver painted in the driver's seat looking back over his shoulder to appear like he is driving backwards
منتديات الفرات

The forth one is of an aquarium with fish swimming in it
منتديات الفرات

ها شنو رأيكم .؟؟
