Hi friends
really miss U all
I like to share U this sad poem
but I wish U all be happy

The end of love has come..

Your desire has gone elsewhere..
We are undone.. unclasped…..

Oh, duplicitous one…
I have lain my heart upon the alter of your mercy
And you have sacrificed it to the gods of lust….

I have sent my soul like an innocent lamb into your keeping
And you have driven it off to play amongst the wolves….

Falsehearted lover..
You have beaten me down with your Rod of Betrayal
And I lay bruised and bleeding…

You have drawn back your Bow of Deceit
And sent an arrow of sorrow deep into my breast
There remains merely a wound
Where my heart once beat only for you...

You have cut me with your Sword of Infidelity
And I no longer live….

Unfaithful soul…
We are no longer we…
Not us….
But separate..
Like two planets whom orbit has brought close
Moving off to the opposite corners of the heavens once again…

I now know how the Moon will feel
When the Sun’s light no longer shines upon her face…..
Cold, bereft and barren…
As she spins along forever on her dark and lonely path…

How shall I bear not seeing your face?..
Not to hear your voice..
Or feel your touch for eternity? ..

I am a flame extinguished
And my tears are legion…

with all my love

haider _al.kuraishy